Obligation to register the UBO in the Commercial register
As a result of the adoption of the amendment of the Act No. 297/2008 Coll. on the prevention of legalization of proceeds of criminal activity and...
More informationPosting of employees to the Slovak Republic from another EU member country
According to the Slovak Labour Code, posting an employee to perform work within the provision of services means their cross-border: a) posting under the authority and responsibility of...
More informationTrademark registration in Slovak Republic
Definition of trade mark According to Slovak Act No. 506/2009 Coll. on Trade marks, a trade mark is verbal, figurative, three-dimensional or combined sign which is capable...
More informationIncorrect provision of healthcare – FAQ
What is the process a patient should follow in case he suffered injury as a consequence of incorrect provision of healthcare services? If the patient thinks he...
More informationLiability for damages caused as a result of incorrect provision of healthcare
Each person is, in general, entitled to a healthcare provision which is in accordance with the legal regulations valid in the Slovak Republic and the current state...
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