Most Common Way of Employing – Establishing of the Limited Liability Company in the Slovak Republic
The most popular way of how to become an employer in the Slovak republic is to establish the business company. The most common form of the Slovak...
More informationEnforcement proceeding in Slovakia (in case of decisions issued in one of the EU member states)
Have you obtained an enforcement title (e. g. judgment) from one of the EU member states and you wish to initiate enforcement proceeding in Slovakia against a Slovak...
More informationThe place of work outside Slovakia
Recently, our clients have more often turned to us with labour law questions regarding work outside the standard workplace (e.g. home office work, temporary posting of...
More informationEmployment for a Definite or Indefinite Period?
According to the Slovak labour law, employment may be agreed between the parties for a definite or indefinite period. Employment for a definite period may be agreed (in...
More informationQuestions frequently asked by foreign employers
As each legal system is a little different, it is only natural that some of rules prescribed by Slovak laws can be a little less understandable for...
More informationLiability of managing directors for damage
Under the Slovak Commercial Code, managing directors are obliged to exercise their powers with professional care and in accordance with the interests of the company and...
More informationBan on Notice in Employment Relationships
In case the employer wishes to terminate the employment relationship with the employee by notice, they should be aware of the so-called ban on notice. According...
More informationNOTICE OF TERMINATION due to redundancy of employee
According to the Slovak law, an employer may terminate employment by notice only for the reasons explicitly stipulated in the Labour Code. One of the reasons...
More informationBan on Competition for Managing Directors
According to the Slovak law, managing directors (as statutory bodies of limited liability company) are banned from performing certain activities that have competitive character with respect...
More informationPetition in bankruptcy filed by a creditor
According to the Slovak law, a creditor is entitled to file a petition in bankruptcy if they may reasonably expect their debtor to be insolvent. The insolvency of a debtor may...
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