The temporary residence of the third country national in the Slovak Republic (hereinafter the ”TR”) is regulated in the Act No. 404/2011 Coll. on Residence of Aliens and Amendment and Supplementation of Certain Acts (hereinafter the “Act”). The TR for the purposes of business entitles the third country national to study and conduct business activities in the territory of the Slovak Republic and it may be granted for the assumed time period of business, however, maximum for three years.

The third country national as an applicant is required to file an application for granting of the TR in an official form and in person (i) abroad at a representative authority accredited for the state which has issued a travel document for him/her or at a representative authority accredited for the state in which he/she has permanent residence or (ii) in the Slovak Republic at the competent police department, provided his/her residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic is authorized.

When filing an application for granting of the TR, the applicant is obliged to submit to the Slovak authorities the following documents:

  • application form;
  • a valid travel document;
  • two colored photographs of size 3 x 3.5 cm showing her current appearance;
  • confirmation on payment of the administrative fee in the amount of EUR 232;
  • and documents not older than 90 days which confirm the facts stated below:
  • purpose of residence: business plan or a document confirming that the person is authorized to do business;
  • clean criminal record: extract from the Crime Register of the country of which the third country national is a national and the country in which he/she has resided during last three years for the period longer than 90 days within six consecutive months;
  • financial resources for residence: bank account balance confirmation kept at the bank, branch of a foreign bank or foreign bank in the name of the third country national or in case a personal bank account is held at a foreign bank, bank account statement for the last three months. These financial resources must be demonstrated in the amount of subsistence minimum for each month of residence;
  • financial resources for conducting business activities: bank account balance confirmation kept at the bank, branch of a foreign bank or foreign bank for the purposes of conducting business activities or in case this bank account is held at a foreign bank, the bank account statement for the last three months. These financial resources must be demonstrated in the amount of hundredfold subsistence minimum.

The personal bank account required for demonstration of financial resources for residence must not be identical with the bank account required for demonstration of financial resources for conducting of the business activities.

  • provided accommodation: e. g. the title deed or the extract from the title deed of the Real Estate Register issued in favor of the third country national, lease contract concluded with a real estate owner or affidavit of the natural person or legal entity on provision of accommodation to the third country national in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

Document on the provision of accommodation must demonstrate that the third country national has provided accommodation for at least six months of TR.

All above documents issued by foreign state authorities in foreign language must be submitted to the police department in original or in the form of a certified copy, they need to be officially translated into the Slovak language and must include apostille or superlegalization clause (where applicable). The signatures on the affidavits, confirmations and lease contracts signed in the Slovak Republic must be certified by a notary.

The competent police department decides about the application for granting of TR within 90 days following the delivery of the respective application to the competent authority. This period may be extended by maximum 30 days in particularly complicated cases.

After the lapse of the time for which the TR was granted, the respective residence may be renewed (also repeatedly) by the police department providing the legal requirements for such renewal are met.