Enforcement proceeding in Slovakia (in case of decisions issued in one of the EU member states)
Have you obtained an enforcement title (e. g. judgment) from one of the EU member states and you wish to initiate enforcement proceeding in Slovakia against a Slovak company or a Slovak citizen? Below you will find brief information on the documents that need to be submitted in this regard and the expected court costs.
In order to initiate enforcement proceeding in Slovakia, the following documents must be submitted to the competent court:
- Original/notarized copy of the enforcement title (e. g. the judgment); please note that the enforcement title must already be final and enforceable;
- Original/notarized copy of the Certificate issued pursuant to Article 53 Regulation (EU) No. 1215/2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters or original/notarized copy of the certification as a European Enforcement Order issued pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 805/2004 creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims;
- Extract from the commercial register of the creditor’s company (in case the creditor is a company); and
- Power of attorney for the representative (if you have a representative in Slovakia who will file the petition for enforcement on your behalf).
It should also be emphasized that the petition for enforcement in Slovakia may only be submitted electronically using a special electronic form. In Slovakia, the District Court Banská Bystrica (“Okresný súd Banská Bystrica”) is competent for enforcement proceedings, i. e. all petitions for enforcement must be directed to this court.
The court fee for filing the petition for enforcement amounts to EUR 16,50.