

We care about our clients

Our clients are foreign companies and their subsidiaries as well as local entrepreneurs. In addition to corporate clientele, we also specialize in providing advice to private clients.

The main areas of our specialization include inheritance law with emphasis on the cases with international element. We also specialize in the field of commercial and corporate lawemployment law and real estate law and we possess extensive experience also in cases concerning matrimonial and other family disputes. Moreover, we also focus on medical law, within the scope of which we represent our clients in the proceedings before the courts and other competent authorities.

Inheritance Law and Cross-border Inheritance

  • legal advice in the area of inheritance law, including verification of the authenticity and invalidity of the will,
  • representation in national and international inheritance cases before the notary public as well as the court,
  • providing for all necessary information relating to the succession in question from the respective courts, notaries and other authorities,
  • consulting regarding the appointment of the administrator of the estate,
  • legal assistance in relation to drafting of contracts of inheritance,
  • legal assistance in relation to drafting of wills and advice on the inheritance of the dutiful heirs
  • consulting regarding the statutory offsetting,
  • consulting regarding the matters related to the Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession,
  • representation in inheritance proceedings in the whole territory of the Slovak Republic as well as assistance by eventual subsequent sale of subject of inheritance

Commercial law and corporate law

  • drafting of documents for the incorporation of companies and establishment of branches
  • preparation of documents for acquiring licenses to conduct a business activity
  • general legal advice concerning corporate law
  • legal advice regarding conducting of a specific business activity in the Slovak Republic
  • changes in companies (business name, seat, managing directors, agents, approval of the financial statement and the transfer of business shares, increase/decrease of registered capital)
  • preparation and elaborating of legal audits / due diligence with respect to the acquisition of shares in Slovak companies
  • legal advice in the area of acquisitions and mergers
  • voluntary liquidation of companies
  • drafting and review of commercial contracts
  • representation of our clients in court and arbitral proceedings.

Employment law

  • drafting of employment contracts and work regulations
  • legal assessment of the creation, alteration and termination of employment relationships
  • conclusion of documents on termination of employment relationships (agreement on termination of the employment relationship, preparation of notice)
  • legal assessment of the relationships with the trade unions and work councils
  • representation of our clients in collective bargaining with authorized trade bodies and trade unions
  • representation of our clients in court proceedings.

Commercial law and corporate law

  • complex assistance provided to the investors and other clients in a wide range of legal problems concerning real estate matters
  • legal services involving regional planning and construction permits
  • legal consulting regarding the acquisition, disposition and encumbrance of real estate
  • preparation of legal audits in connection with possible risks in the process of the acquirement of real estate
  • preparation of legal documents required for the construction of real estate and establishment of a lien
  • drafting of lease agreements with respect to land and non-residential premises
  • preparation and review of lease contracts with regard to housing as well as to non-residential premises
  • settlement of legal relations with respect to land and constructions
  • representation of our clients in court proceedings.

Family law

  • representation in divorce proceedings, including divorces of marriage with minor children
  • representation in out-of-court negotiations regarding the settlement of joint co-ownership of spouses
  • representation in court proceedings concerning the settlement of joint co-ownership of spouses
  • general legal advice for clients in the field of family law with focus on determining the subject of joint co-ownership of spouses
  • advice on settling the property of clients living outside the marriage

Medical law

  • legal advice for injured patients and identification of their claims in case they suffered harm as a result of their treatment during the provision of healthcare
  • assistance in filing a submission to the Healthcare Surveillance Authority for revision of the procedure conducted by health care provider
  • assistance in filing a criminal report for a suspected criminal offense in connection with the provision of health care
  • communication with experts and assisting clients in formulating questions for the expert for purposes of preparing an expert opinion
  • representing clients in out-of-court negotiations with the healthcare provider and preparing out-of-court settlement agreements
  • representing clients in court proceedings
  • general legal advice for clients (injured patients and their relatives) in the field of medical law and especially in the field of patients’ rights

Contact us

If you are interested in our services, please contact us by using the below form.